Colombia Organic Excelso EP fancy Lohas - Grainpro



Organic Colombian coffee brought to you by ASOPAP, a collective of dedicated specialty small scale coffee producers situated in the enchanting Planadas of South Tolima. Rooted in a passion for quality coffee and organic principles, ASOPAP’s commitment to both flavor and the environment shines through in every cup.

Nestled in the heart of Planadas, ASOPAP is comprised of farmers who share a common vision: to produce exceptional coffee while upholding the highest organic standards. The result is a coffee that not only delights the senses but also echoes a profound respect for the land and its resources.

With the invaluable support of the Lohas Beans team, ASOPAP’s members have delved into the art of successful coffee production. Beyond the farms, these farmers have learned the intricacies of bringing their exceptional coffee to the global stage, enhancing their livelihoods and empowering their community along the way.

Join us in celebrating the harmonious blend of quality, sustainability, and community upliftment that defines ASOPAP’s organic Colombian coffee. Each sip carries the essence of Planadas, and with it, the stories of hardworking farmers and their commitment to excellence.

Excelso is a grading term for exportable coffee from Colombia, not related to variety or cupping profile. Excelso coffee beans have a screen size of 15/16, versus Supremo beans which have a screen size of 17/18. Often Supremo and Excelso coffee beans are harvested from the same tree, but they are sorted by size.

EP (European Preparation), represents beans that are screen size 15+ and meticulously sorted and cleaned to ensure coffee is free from defects and impurities.

Bag Size

70 Kg Bags


Organic Excelso EP fancy Lohas – Grainpro


ASOPAP (Agropecuarios de Cafes Especiales de Planadas)


Dupuy Jacksonville




1,600 – 1,950 M


Washed and Sun Dried


Caturra, Bourbon, Tipica, Castillo and F6


Main Harvest (Mitaca): May to August Fly Crop (Mitad del Ano): November to January

Cupping Notes

Medium Acidity, Smooth Body, Brown Sugar, Chocolate, Stone Fruit



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