Bolivian Coffee: A Cup of Joe You’ll Never Forget

People drink around 500 cups of coffee each year.

While it’s easy to focus on the consumer, it’s equally important to look at the roasters and coffee shops. You want to see how they are making a change in the industry.

For example, coffee is becoming more specialized, which means it’s important for consumers to understand how it was made and how fresh the coffee beans are. When you drink Bolivian coffee you’ll understand why roasters and coffee shops appreciate Bolivian coffee beans. The best roasters understand how Bolivian coffee growers take their craft to the next level.

Here’s a guide to help you understand why Bolivian coffee is so highly regarded.

Bolivian Coffee From The Andes.

Bolivia is located in South America. It’s over 8 times the size of England, and although Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in South America, they are recognized for their coffee and natural beauty.

The conditions for growing coffee in Bolivia are almost perfect because of their fertile soil and consistent rainfall. When you visit a Bolivian coffee farm, you are treated to beautiful topography, brisk clean air, and passionate people who care about their farms.

If you ever visit Bolivia, consider taking a tour of a coffee farm and sample their unique coffee beans. Learn about their hands-on farming techniques and how they differ from modern industrial farms.

While you are in Bolivia, learn about their wonderful culture, and historic sites in the Andes mountains and salt flats. These breathtaking sites can be part of your adventure so you can get a taste of their culture and their coffee.

What Makes Bolivian Coffee Different?

There are many characteristics that make Bolivian coffee different from other coffees. They consist of intricate, bold, and robust flavors. You’ll taste hints of berries, sugar cane, red wine, and rich milk chocolate.

Some describe Bolivian coffee as creamy body with a crisp kick. Take a look at our coffee selections and try our Bolivia Organic which comes from the region of Caranavi.

Clean, Washed Coffee.

Bolivian coffee is washed. That means it’s clean coffee. It means that the cherries are cleaned from the bean so they don’t stick.

The pulp is also removed from the bean to make sure it’s a fully clean bean.

What’s the purpose of washing coffee beans and does it make coffee taste any different? The short answer is yes.

Sometimes washed coffee offers more acidity, but that just depends on the bean.

The Cupping Process.

When it comes to Bolivian coffee, the cupping flavors offer lemon, lemongrass, roasted almond, rose hips, and medium acidity. It regarded as a medium-light body.

Why Bolivian Coffee Is Different With ICT

Now you may think that you can get Bolivian coffee anywhere, and that may be true, but when it comes from ICT, you’ll notice that we know the specific origins, the names of the farms, and even the names of the master growers. Chances are we have visited the farms several times. We travel to remote regions of the world to discover how beans are grown and cared for.

In fact, not only do we care about coffee beans, we also have a deep concern about the wellbeing of coffee farms. Coffee farms are struggling and ICT is trying to shine a light on the difficulties farm endure while trying to produce good coffee. The world demands affordable coffee, but it is often difficult for farms to produce coffee affordably. Let’s all do our part to help farms and farmers survive and thrive. Help contribute to coffee farms in Bolivia whenever you can.

How the Coffee Industry Is Changing

One of the things to keep an eye on is fair trade. This means that workers need to be treated fairly and there needs to be fairly traded coffee.

With more awareness of fairtrade, it helps focus awareness on how beans are growing. It helps spread attention to those who are underpaid on the farms.

Bolivia is an example of country where fairtrade practices need more oversight. As the poorest country in South America, it’s important to spread attention about the difficulties farmers face there and the kinds of conditions that are present in that country.

We try to buy from farms that treat their workers fairly. we are proud to sell Bolivian coffee and want you and other coffee fans to recognize the amazing coffee they produce.

Bolivian Coffee: a Cup of Coffee You Won’t Forget

If you’re on the fence about Bolivian coffee, try a batch from ICT. Consider what your customers will say went they try it for the first time. You’ll realize that Bolivian coffee is a fresh and distinct coffee flavor that you won’t soon forget.

If you have questions about how to order Bolivian coffee or have general questions about coffee, you can contact us here.

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