Are You Tending to the Real Coffee Needs of Your Customers?

Our love affair with coffee spans the globe. Wherever they are, coffee lovers leave no stone unturned to experience a cup of steaming magic.

Whether they call themselves coffee connoisseurs, coffee geeks, caffeine heads, or plain old coffee lovers, they’re looking for more than a caffeine hit—they want the entire coffee experience.

What about the coffee lovers you serve?

If you’re wondering how to give your customers the experience they’re looking for, read today’s post. We’re sharing a few tips you can use to ensure you satisfy the coffee needs of the customers who help make your coffee shop a successful venture.

Customers Need Good Coffee

Satisfying their need for flavor sits at the top of the list of ways you meet your customer’s coffee needs.

You already know every cup of brewed coffee isn’t equal in taste or quality. Coffee varies wildly in flavor, mainly due to the range of things that happen before the pour.

You rely on your coffee supplier to buy the best beans. If you’re in the roasting business, your chosen roasting method directly impacts flavor.

For coffee shop customers, the establishment can make or break the taste of coffee by using the wrong water. Some shop owners spend thousands of dollars on filtering equipment and distilled water, yet their coffee’s flavor still suffers.

The grind you choose and the brewing method also mean the difference between an ordinary cup and the one that entices your customer to come to you for their daily cuppa. You cannot compromise when it comes to the coffee you pour.

Hire the Best Baristas

You can serve the best-flavored coffee in town, but if your baristas have a less-than-friendly attitude, customers will go where they feel loved.

Imagine waking up every morning to a grumpy person with a frown on their face. They shove your coffee at you and grimace when you ask for extra creamer. When you head out the door for work, they can’t even mutter, “good-day.”

For many clients, the barista is one of the first people they talk to in the morning. Service plays a huge role in satisfying your customer’s coffee needs.

Whether you operate a one-person coffee drive-through or you employ a team of baristas in a thriving café, it’s up to you to instill a sense of pride and passion in your staff.

Make it a point to train baristas to provide meticulous, consistent service. The fantastic cup of coffee you pour Monday, Wednesday and Saturday won’t make up for the less than enticing cup you serve the other days of the week.

Great baristas know how to listen intently to their clients. They also have a knack for developing quick rapport and interacting with customers while preparing their drinks.

While some baristas may arrive on the job with already developed skillsets in customer service, you will still need to train and shape your staff to reflect your values and your customer’s unique needs.

How Is Your Hygge?

If you’ve never heard of hygge, consider taking a trip to Copenhagen. Or, you could simply work on creating the perfect atmosphere for your customers to enjoy a peaceful cup of coffee.

It doesn’t matter where you’re located—the business district, a neighborhood, or a college campus—customers sit in coffee shops because of the atmosphere.

Pronounced hyoo-guh, hygge refers to feeling cozy and comfortable. It’s often described as the feeling of a warm hug when you walk into a room, or in your case, a coffee shop.

To create the essence of hygge in your shop, start by dimming the lights. Bright lights don’t make customers feel warm and cozy. Rethink your playlist and make sure it doesn’t include busy or overwhelming music.

While many of your customers will want wifi and a roomy workspace, make sure you also include bench seating and low coffee tables. The warm ambiance you create inspires relaxation and conversation. Make coffee convenient for customers but also encourage them to come in and sit awhile.

Socially Conscious Coffee Lovers

Make sure you’re caring for the needs of your socially conscious coffee lovers. Not only are they obsessed with the types of beans you brew, but they also want to know about the source.

Social consciousness in the coffee drinker’s world means knowing about the farmers who harvest the beans. They will hold you accountable for things like fair trade. Make it easy for customers to understand where their coffee comes from by posting personalized information somewhere in the shop.

As much as possible, use recycled paper products, and if possible, reduce the use of plastic straws. Separate trash by providing bins designated for paper, plastics, and organic waste.

Share with the community by donating to a local charity or project. Make sure it aligns with your values and mission statement. Make it fun and meaningful for customers by choosing a specific menu item each month and donating a portion of the funds.

Coffee Needs 101

Some customers want their coffee plain with no conversation added. Others want to learn everything they can about what they’re drinking.

Another way you can ensure you’re meeting the needs of your customers is by educating them. You don’t need to hit them over the head with your knowledge, but you can offer education in engaging yet subtle ways.

For example, hold samplings where you offer a selection of roasts from different farmers. Provide mini-workshops on a variety of coffee topics. If you operate a roastery, offer tours of the roasting space and the store.

A good barista notices a new customer who isn’t familiar with ordering coffee. Make sure your staff takes time to talk about the coffee menu. Don’t make your customers feel awkward about ordering coffee because they aren’t comfortable with the menu or familiar with coffee lingo.

If you sell coffee beans for customers to take home, spend time teaching them how to brew the coffee. Talk with them about grind size, water, and timing.

Need Help Selecting the Perfect Bean?

We hope we’ve inspired you to get to know your customers and tailor your business to their unique coffee needs.

As you can see, it starts with the best beans, but customer care includes more than pouring a great cup of coffee.

If you need to order a new batch or have questions about our coffees and your coffee business, we’re here to help. Contact us today, and let’s partner together to share our passion for coffee with the world.

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110 West A Street #110
San Diego – CA – 92101

Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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